Kim Read
people-centered learning, design, systems, & innovation

select presentations
Presenter: "Amplify Your Star Players: Audio for Professional Development". Presented at NWeLearn, October 17, 2024, Vancouver, WA.
Co-presenter with Amy Hofer and Jennifer Lantrip: "Developing Open Educators Through K-12 and Higher Ed Connections". Presented at Open Education Conference, October 8, 2024, Providence, RI.
Co-presenter with Rylee Ahnen, Patrick Dixon, Jamie Partridge, Harold Phillips, and Tina Turner-Morfitt: "Maximize Your Media". Presented at Labor Research and Action Network, June 21, 2024, Portland, OR.
Presenter: "Simple Usability Testing for Inclusive Design and Learner Success". Presented at National Staff Association for the Improvement of Instruction Annual Conference, November 15, 2023, New Orleans, LA.
Co-presenter with Peter Bauer: "Growing a Member Led Podcast". Presented at National Education Association Leadership Summit, March 11, 2023, San Francisco, CA.
Co-presenter with Andrea Shunk: "Defining the Return on Professional Learning Investments". Presented at National Staff Association for the Improvement of Instruction Annual Conference, November 16, 2022, Las Vegas, NV.
Co-presenter with Peter Bauer: "Growing a Member Led Podcast". Presented at National Staff Association for the Improvement of Instruction Annual Conference, November 15, 2022, Las Vegas, NV.
Co-presenter with Andrea Shunk: "Valuing All Educators: Classified Employee PLCs". Presented at Learning Forward Annual Conference, December 7, 2021, Virtual.
Co-presenter with Andrea Shunk: "Valuing All Educators: Classified Employee Professional Learning". Presented at National Staff Association for the Improvement of Instruction Annual Conference, November 9, 2021, Virtual.
Co-presenter with Casey Kilpatrick and Joshua Quick. “Book Studies: High Leverage Learning to Meet Member Needs and Promote Resiliency”. Presented at National Staff Association for the Improvement of Instruction Annual Conference, April 22, 2021, Virtual.
Co-presenter with Peter Bauer: "Making the Switch: Building a Virtual Conference". Presented at National Staff Association for the Improvement of Instruction Annual Conference, November 11, 2020, Virtual.
Co-presenter with Andrea Shunk: "Using Member Data to Make the Case for Union-Led Professional Learning". Presented at National Staff Association for the Improvement of Instruction Annual Conference, November 10, 2020, Virtual.
Co-presenter with Colin Stapp: "Developing Effective Professional Development Across Multiple Institutions". Presented at NWeLearn, October 6, 2020, Virtual.
Presenter: "Education, eLearning, and Simulations in Prisons". Presented at The Future of Instructional Design on the Immersive Web, June 3, 2019, Portland, OR.
Presenter: "Ideas and Issues for the Open Educator". Presented at Library Instruction West, July 20, 2018, Grand Junction, CO.
Panel moderator: "What Does Open Really Look Like? An Open Educational Resources Panel Presentation". Presented at Access, Equity, & Success: Augmenting our Faculty Pedagogical Practice, January 27, 2017, Portland, OR.
Presenter: "Simulations in Prisons". Presented at Immersive Learning Research Network, June 30, 2016, Santa Barbara, CA.
Presenter: "This is How We Video It: Creating, Finding, and Implementing Videos in f2f, Online, and Hybrid Classes". Presented at NW eLearn Conference, October 23, 2015, Olympia, WA.
Panelist with Nono Burling, Lee-Anne Flandreau, & Rachael Short: "A Tale of Virtual Reference in Two States". Presented at Pacific Northwest Library Association Annual Conference, August 7, 2015, Vancouver, WA.
Presenter: "Point of Need Research Instruction in the LMS". Presented at EdMedia 2015: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, June 23, 2015, Montreal, QC.
Co-presenter with Lori Wamsley: "Meeting Patrons at the Point of Need: Envisioning a Just-in-Time Repository for Oregon Libraries". Presented at Oregon Library Association Conference, April 16, 2015, Eugene, OR.
Co-presenter with Maureen Morasch: "Point-of-Need Resources in the LMS: Providing Performance Support to Thousands of Online Graduate Students". Presented at Association of College and Research Libraries 2015 Conference, March 26, 2015, Portland, OR.
Invited speaker: "Online Tutorials: Design, Development, and Pedagogy". Presented at Emporia State University Information Technology Course LI815XO, February 28, 2015, Portland, OR.
Invited speaker: "Do the Hustle: Scholarship Recipients and ACRL Engagement". Presented at ACRL Leadership Council Meeting at ALA Annual, June 27, 2014, Las Vegas, NV.
Co-Presenter with Ann Fillmore, Kanna Hudson, Toby Peterson, Sarah Theberge, and Jennifer Whetham: "A Human League: People-Centered Strategies for Institutional Assessment“. Presented at Assessment, Teaching, & Learning Conference, May 2, 2013, Spokane, WA.
Presenter: “Assessing a Library Situation”. Presented at Online Northwest 2013, February 8, 2013, Corvallis, OR.
Presenter: “Finding and Using Web Images”. Presented at Clark College 30 Clicks, January 23, 2013, Vancouver, WA.
Presenter: “It’s Gonna Get Mad Redonk in Here FTW: Popular Slang and Text Abbreviations for the Virtual Reference Crowd”. Presented at Oregon Virtual Reference Summit, May 25, 2012, Gleneden Beach, OR.
Presenter: “Mobile Apps for Food and Fitness”. Presented at Clark College 30 Clicks, February 1, 2012, Vancouver, WA.
Co-Presenter with Jim Holmes: “Using Text-to-Video Resources for Instructional Videos”. Presented at Online Northwest 2011, February 11, 2011, Corvallis, OR.
Co-Presenter with Jim Holmes: “A Retrospective Look at the Future of Libraries”. Presented at ACRL Oregon/Washington Joint Conference, October 28, 2010, Corbett, OR.
Invited speaker: “Future Librarians: Idealists Buy Realists a Beer and a Cupcake”. Emporia State University Commencement Exercises of the Oregon IX Cohort, August 15, 2010, Portland, OR.
Presenter: “Consumer Health Resources for Chat”. Presented at Oregon Virtual Reference Summit, May 7, 2010, Troutdale, OR.
Presenter: “Google Documents and Google Chrome”. Presented at Oregon Library Association Technology Petting Zoo, November 12, 2009, Tualatin, OR.